Građevinski institut Montenegro



Građevinski institut Montenegro je osnovan 2018 g. prvenstveno kao laboratorija za ispitivanje građevinskih materija i geomehanička ispitivanja.
Osnivač Instituta je “Gradežni Institut Makedonija” iz Skoplja, kompanija koja je 2020 slavila 45.g. postojanja. GIM Skoplje pored laboratorijskih ispitivanja (120 akreditovanih metoda) specijalizovan i za geomehanicka istraživanja i ispitivanja. Sem toga posjeduje sektore za projektovanje, nadzor kako u polju građevine tako i geomehanke. U sklopu Instituta radi i Tijelo za sertifikaciju proizvoda (agregat, asfalt, beton)
Zahvaljujući kadru sa velikim iskustvom GIM d.o.o. Podgorica dobija Sertifikat o akreditaciji u maju 2019 g u obimu od 88 akreditovanih metoda.
Specijalizovani smo za ispitivanja i uzorkovanja svežeg i očvrslog betona, naknadno ispitivanje očvrslog betona, ispitivanje betonskih prefabrikata, cementa, asfalta, bitumena, geomehanička ispitivanja i ispitivanja kamena.
Rad u akreditovanoj laboratoriji obuhvata kontrolisano uzorkovanje,, ispitivanje I izvještavanje, kao i čitav niz procesa kojim se upravlja i koji imaju za cilj da obezbjede povjerenje klijenta u kvalitet rezultata ispitivanja.
GIM d.o.o. Podgorica je učestvovala u velikom broju PT shema i međulaboratorijskog poređenja rezultata ispitivanja u cilju permanetnog održavanja i poboljšanja performansi sitema. Sertifikat i obim akreditacije se takođe nalazi i na zvanicnom sajtu Akreditacionog tijela Crne Gore.

Neki od vaznijih projekata na kojima smo ucestvovali:
Rekonstrukcija magistralnog puta M-18, dionica Podgorica Danilovgrad
Inicijalna ispitivanja agregata za skoro sve kompanije u Crnoj Gori koje se bave proizvodnjom agregata
Ispitivanja asfalta i tampona prilikom izgradnje autoputa Bar– Boljare
Rekultivacija eksploatacionog jalovišta Gradac - Pljevlja
Ispitivanja prilikom izgradnje rezidentnih objekata u PG, HN, NK, BR…
Praćenje asfalterskih radova prilikom rekonstrukcija puteva u Podgorici, Danilovgradu. Plavu, Bijelom Polju, Baru...
Laboratorijsko ispitivanje za potrebe Sanacije operativne obale Voluica – Bar
Rehabilitacija tunela broj 210, 211, 242 i 247 na pruzi Vrbnica - Bar
Geomehanička ispitivanja prilikom izgradnje gradskih saobraćajnica ( Podgorica, Nikšić, Bar, Bijelo Polje, Plav ..)

Osnovni podaci

Naziv: Građevinski institut Montenegro d.o.o.

PIB: 03225593

PDV: 30/31-19715-4


Direktor - Igor Miranović


Civil Engineering Institute Montenegro is established in 2018 primarily as a laboratory for testing construction materials, as well as geomechanical tests.
Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia from Skopje is the founder, a company that celebrated its 45th anniversary in 2020. In addition to laboratory tests (120 accredited methods), CEIM Skopje is also specialized for geomechanical investigations and tests. It has departments for designing, supervision in the field of construction and geomechanics. Within the Institute, there is a Certification Body for products (aggregate, asphalt, concrete)
Thanks to the personnel with extensive experience, CEIM Ltd. Podgorica obtained Accreditation Certificate for 88 accredited methods.
We are specialized in testing and sampling fresh and hardened concrete, further testing of the hardened concrete, testing concrete prefabricates, cement, asphalt, bitumen, geomechanical tests and testing stones.
The work of the accredited laboratory covers controlled sampling, testing and reporting, as well as an entire process sequence that are managed in order to ensure the Client’s confidence for the quality of the test results.
CEIM Ltd. Podgorica has participated in large number of PT schemes and interlaboratory comparisons of test results in order to permanently maintain and improve system performance. The Accreditation Certificate and the scope of accreditation can be also found on the official website of the Accreditation Body of Montenegro.

Some of the significant projects we have participated in, are listed below:
Reconstruction of M-18 Main Road, Podgorica – Danilovgrad Section
Initial testing of aggregates for almost all companies in Montenegro working on aggregate production
Testing of asphalt and road base during the construction of Bar – Boljare Highway
Recultivation of the exploitation tailing Gradac - Pljevlja
Testing during the construction of residential structures in PG, HN, NK, BR…
Monitoring of the asphalt works during the roads’ reconstruction in Podgorica, Danilovgrad, Plav, Bijelo Polje, Bar...
Laboratory testing for the needs of the Rehabilitation of the operational shore Volujica - Bar
Rehabilitation of tunnel number 210, 211, 242 and 271 on the railway Vrbnica - Bar
Geomechanical testing during the construction of the urban thoroughfares (Podgorica, Nikšić, Bar, Bijelo Polje, Plav..)

Basic information

Name: Civil Engineering Institute Montenegro LTD

PIB: 03225593

PDV: 30/31-19715-4

Registration date: 01.11.2018.

Director - Igor Miranović

Ulica 10, Donji Kokoti, Podgorica
Crna Gora

+382 20 253435

+382 69 338745

+382 69 376264